2020 Year in Review
What’s to say about this year? After wrapping up 2019, the year started out promising, and I had plans and ideas for what I wanted 2020 to look like.
But we all know what happened, so I’ll spare everyone the ‘unprecedented times’ word salad.
This year may not have looked the way we wanted, but it doesn’t mean big things—and yes, even some good things—went down in 2020.
This year, I:
went to New York City for a podcast taping
had my first experience with sacred plant medicine
got a full-time job as a copywriter
bought a piano
got my savings account back up to a place I’m happy with
Like everyone else, there were cancelled trips, scary moments, and plenty of boring days. When SXSW was cancelled and my business took an immediate hit in the spring, I was terrified. There are millions of people in a bad way right now, and I don’t take anything I have for granted.
I don’t like New Years’ Resolutions, so I’m not even going to tackle what 2021 might look like. Plans and goals are great, but after learning this year that literally anything can happen, it just seems kind of pointless to me.
I have ideas. I have creative projects I’m working on and professional aspirations and personal things I want to improve. But I’m staying open to possibility.
Best-laid plans have a tendency to go the way of the ‘rona.
Here’s what I do know: this space will look different in 2021. Because my full-time job takes the majority of my time and effort, Liz Feezor Creative scaled way back this year and will continue to offer limited client services. As such, this blog will move to monthly posts to make way for other writing projects.
I’m thankful for everyone who has followed along with me since I launched my business. Without my clients, friends, and family, I have nothing, and I am truly grateful.
See you all in 2021. ❤️
(The image for this post is me looking, err, festive for my company’s annual ugly Christmas sweater contest. Despite how truly hideous this garment is, it wasn’t good enough to place in the top 5. The game is rigged, I tell you!)